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Pre-birth, Labour & Post Natal

"Acupuncture in pregnancy and child birth reduces intervention rates such as epidurals, C sections, syntocinon" (Debra Betts). 

Image of pregnant lady

Pre Birth Acupuncture

Pre Birth acupuncture supports a smooth, calm efficient labour.

Acupuncture optimises your energy, relaxes your pelvis, sofens your cervix and promotes contractions. It eases anxiety or fear, by balancing and harmonising your energy. 

We recommend weekly treatments from 36 weeks for optimal birth preparation. This ensures the baby is in the optimal position for a calm, efficient and smooth labour. 

Other symptoms such as heartburn and back ache can be treated alongside your Pre-Birth acupuncture. 

Inducing Labour

We can use acupuncture to promote labour if your baby is overdue. Acupuncture assists labour by softening the cervix and stimulating strong regular contractions. It also strengthens your energy to assist the birth of your baby.


If a medical induction is planned, acupuncture makes the process smoother and intervention is often reduced. 


A Norwegian study shows women having acupuncture induction have:

  • Shorter labour

  • Less Oxytocin

  • Less instrumental deliveries


Acupressure for Pain Relief in Labour

As part of our pre birth acupuncture treatment we offer acupressure demonstrations for you and your partner or birth partner to use before and during labour. 


Acupressure during labour gives pain relief, stimulates contractions and reduces stress and anxiety. There is quality research reporting that acupressure during labour, reduced the incidence of caesarean sections and the need for epidurals and caesarean sections when used as part of a complimentary antenatal intervention.


If acupuncture is not for you at this time, we do offer acupressure demonstrations without acupuncture treatment. Please get in contact.

Post Natal 

The time after giving birth can be a magial yet exhausting time. In many parts of the world this sacred time is cherished and protected, with new mums being cooked for and cared for by their family and community. Unfortunately in the UK this is usually not the case.


Sometimes new mums are expected to return to work as soon as possible and maintain a household whilst caring for the new baby. During this crucial recovery time many women are left feeling exhausted and depleted.  


Acupuncture can be extremely beneficial in post natal recovery helping to restore energy and vital substances lost through pregnancy and childbirth.

Acupuncture can help with the following during the post natal period:

  • Insufficient lactation (not producing enough milk)

  • Reduce and prevent mastitis

  • Fatigue/exhaustion

  • Promote tissue and scar healing

  • Night sweats and hormonal imbalances 

  • Postpartum depression

Mother Warming is a technique which can be carried out at home with a moxa stick on the abdomen to warm and strengthen the body following birth. It can be very restorative to women post-natally. 

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